October 26–27, 2023 Seattle (Southcenter), WA
(see Session Materials for downloadable reports and program profiles)
Results from Statewide Open Doors study
This plenary session will provide an overview of the Community Partnerships for Reengagement Initiative. We will share cross-cutting themes from analysis of statewide Open Doors student and program data (from 2015–2021) and in-depth profiles of six programs with evidence of positive outcomes for youth most impacted by inequity. This session will lay the foundation for deeper discussion of promising practices and outcomes by pathway in breakout sessions.
Facilitators: Julie Petrokubi, Michelle Hodara, and Chris Mazzeo, Education Northwest
Location: Main conference room
Open Doors in national perspective
Have you ever wondered whether Open Doors-type activity happens in other states—and if so, what it looks like and what Washington could learn? Have you heard about the more than four million Opportunity Youth and Young Adults (OYYA) in the U.S., and the 102,000 in Washington? This session involves participants in learning and discussion about Open Doors’ role in a growing, nationwide network of OYYA reengagement efforts operating at the high school, GED, and college levels. Embrace your Reengagement Movement Leader role and earn a gold star in the process!
Facilitators: Andrew Moore, National League of Cities, and Nick Mathern, Achieving the Dream
Location: Main conference room
High school diploma pathway: Data dive and promising practices
Join Education Northwest along with staff members from Central Valley School District Graduation Alliance and Federal Way—Truman Campus for an in-depth conversation about high school pathway programs. During this interactive session we will engage with data on statewide trends for Open Doors high school pathway programs and discuss promising practices for developing strong community partnerships that help students reach their goals. Participants will have time to reflect on how they can use this information to strengthen their own programs and work with others to surface ideas for supporting high school pathway programs across the state.
Facilitators: Shelby Cooley and Julie Petrokubi, Education Northwest
Location: Main session room
GED-plus pathway: Data dive and promising practices
Join Education Northwest along with staff members from Gravity ESD 113—Olympia and SkillSource-Wenatchee for an in-depth conversation about GED-plus pathway programs. During this interactive session, we will engage with data on statewide trends for Open Doors GED-plus pathway programs and discuss promising practices for developing strong community partnerships that help students reach their goals. Participants will have time to reflect on how they can use this information to strengthen their own programs and work with others to surface ideas for supporting GED-plus pathway programs across the state.
Facilitators: Emi Fujita-Conrads and Chris Mazzeo, Education Northwest
Location: Paradise
College pathway: Data dive and promising practices
Join Education Northwest along with staff members from Skagit Valley College and Tacoma Community College—Fresh Start for an in-depth conversation about college pathway programs. During this interactive session we will engage with data on statewide trends for Open Doors college pathway programs and discuss promising practices for developing strong community partnerships that help students reach their goals. Participants will have time to reflect on how they can use this information to strengthen their own programs and work with others to surface ideas for supporting college pathway programs across the state.
Facilitator: Michelle Hodara, Education Northwest
Location: Summit
Logic model live: Insight and expression
Part self-reflection and part peer exchange, this session will use the Open Doors Theory of Action as a synthesis tool. Expect to 1) Identify how your personal values connect to the program; 2) Share your hopes and boasts with colleagues; and 3) Gain insight and refresh through collective process. Come ready to talk and move, all while fully engaged in Open Doors Youth Reengagement strategies and principles.
Facilitator: Mandy Paradise, OSPI
Location: Alki 2
Explore the "unknown"
The CPRI project has done an exhaustive study of who has been served in Open Doors programs across the state during five academic years. Join Laurie Shannon as we look at who is being unenrolled (and why), who is reengaging, and who is still needing services. We will look at what the data sets are telling us about the state of the State and discover where you fit in. Please be prepared to examine your own program's demographics.
Facilitator: Laurie Shannon, Independent Consultant
Location: Alki 3
Student success built on cultivating and building partnerships
Learn strategies implemented by SkillSource Open Doors since 2013 to build and grow partnerships. Attend this interactive session and learn about collaboration between Wenatchee School District Special Education; Washington State University/Chelan County Eco Stewardship paid internships; and project learning, leadership, and support funded by Workforce Investment, Wenatchee Valley College, and Career Connect Washington.
Facilitator: Susan Adams, Christy Mataya, and Dana Osterlund, SkillSource
Location: Main conference room
Independent study: Using a catch-all class to support students and provide a route to mastery credits
Interested in project-based, competency-centered learning but unsure how to get it off the ground? Here are some building blocks! This session will give you the curricula, practices, and policies we use to empower students with choice in their own learning.
Facilitator: Sean Marushia, Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Location: Paradise
Blending services to meet rural OPD youth needs and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title II outcomes
In this interactive session, attendees will engage in:
Facilitator: Jody Bortz, Big Bend Community College
Location: Summit
The power of supportive relationships: A student-centered approach to postsecondary success
Northwest Education Access has developed a series of workshops and a toolkit covering five core components of postsecondary bridging and completion for opportunity youth. Presenters will share an overview of best practices, their toolkit, and an assessment of reflection opportunities to strengthen postsecondary outcomes for students in your program.
Facilitators: Jeff Corey, Cooper Metz, and Angela Pierce-Ngo, Northwest Education AccessCase managers mingle
Calling all case managers! This session focuses on connecting case managers in peer learning. Meet others to share your favorite tools, best practices, and lessons learned. Let’s pool our collective knowledge and walk away with new tips and ideas.
Facilitator: Jenna Millet, OSPI
Location: Alki 3
Effective programmatic and partnership practices: Planning recommendations and next steps
We’ve looked at the data. We’ve exchanged best practices. What’s next? How will any of this make a difference when we are back at school on Monday? What do we need from our policy makers in Olympia? And, most importantly, what future form do Washington’s youth need Open Doors to take? This session is an opportunity for you to roll up your sleeves and turn these two days into a working plan for your program or for our state policy agenda. Whether your expertise is program practices, using data for continuous improvement, or advocating for policy change, we need your insights and inspiration to translate our work into next steps that we can take together.
Facilitator: Nick Mathern, Achieving the Dream
Location: Main conference room
Use of data for continuous learning and improvement
We’ve looked at the data. We’ve exchanged best practices. What’s next? How will any of this make a difference when we are back at school on Monday? What do we need from our policy makers in Olympia? And, most importantly, what future form do Washington’s youth need Open Doors to take? This session is an opportunity for you to roll up your sleeves and turn these two days into a working plan for your program or for our state policy agenda. Whether your expertise is program practices, using data for continuous improvement, or advocating for policy change, we need your insights and inspiration to translate our work into next steps that we can take together.
Facilitators: Emi Fujita-Conrads , Education Northwest/Michelle Hodara, Education Northwest
Location: Summit/Alki 2
Supportive legislation and regulation: Planning recommendations and next steps
We’ve looked at the data. We’ve exchanged best practices. What’s next? How will any of this make a difference when we are back at school on Monday? What do we need from our policy makers in Olympia? And, most importantly, what future form do Washington’s youth need Open Doors to take? This session is an opportunity for you to roll up your sleeves and turn these two days into a working plan for your program or for our state policy agenda. Whether your expertise is program practices, using data for continuous improvement, or advocating for policy change, we need your insights and inspiration to translate our work into next steps that we can take together.
Facilitator: Andrew Moore, National League of Cities/Chris Mazzeo, Education Northwest
Location: Paradise/Alki 3